Sodium chloride MVR evaporator
Sodium chloride MVR evaporator

MVR evaporator is a new type of high-efficiency and energy-saving evaporation equipment mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry. The equipment uses low-temperature and low-pressure steaming technology and clean energy to generate steam as energy to separate the water in the medium. It is an internationally advanced evaporation technology. It is an upgraded product that replaces the traditional evaporator.

work principle 

        MVR evaporator is different from ordinary single-effect falling film or multi-effect falling film evaporator. MVR is a monomer evaporator, which integrates a multi-effect falling film evaporator. When the required concentration cannot be reached after the first pass through the effect body, the product will be pumped through the external pipeline of the effect body to the upper part of the effect body through the vacuum pump at the bottom of the effect body after leaving the effect body, and then pass through the effect body again and again through this repeated passage. Effect body to achieve the required concentration.

        The inside of the effect body is an array of thin tubes, the inside of the tube is the product, and the outside is steam. During the flow of the product from top to bottom, the product flows in a film form due to the increase in the area of the tube to increase the heating area. Negative pressure is formed in the body to reduce the boiling point of the water in the product, thereby achieving concentration, and the evaporation temperature of the product is about 60°C.

        The condensed water generated after the product is heated and evaporated by the effect body, part of the steam and the residual steam after the effect body is heated are separated by the separator. The condensed water flows out from the lower part of the separator to preheat the product entering the effect body, and the steam passes through the fan The supercharger is pressurized (the higher the steam pressure, the higher the temperature), and then the pressurized steam is combined through the pipeline and the steam passes through the effect body again.

        When the equipment is started, a part of the steam is required for preheating. After normal operation, the required steam will be greatly reduced. During the process of pressurizing the secondary steam by the fan supercharger, the electric energy is converted into the heat energy of steam, so the equipment needs to be operated. Steam is reduced, and the amount of electricity required is greatly increased.

        The temperature of the product is always around 60°C during the entire flow of the effect body, and the temperature difference between the heating steam and the product is also maintained at about 5-8°C. The smaller the temperature difference between the product and the heating medium, the better it is to protect the product. Quality, effectively prevent tube sticking.

        When the concentration of the product is about 50%, only the MVR evaporator can complete it. When the required concentration is 60%, flash drying equipment is required.

technical features

(1) Low energy consumption and low operating costs;

(2) Small footprint;

(3) Few supporting facilities for public works and low total project investment.

(4) Smooth operation and high degree of automation;

(5) No need for primary steam;

(6) Due to the common single effect, the product staying time is short

(7) The process is simple, the practicability is strong, and the partial load operation characteristic is excellent

(8) The operating cost is low, and it can evaporate below 40°C without freezing equipment, which is especially suitable for heat-sensitive materials.

Scope of application

(1) Evaporative concentration

(2) Evaporation and crystallization

(3) Low temperature evaporation

        The MVR evaporation equipment is compact, has a small footprint and requires a small space. The cooling system can be omitted. For existing factories that need to expand evaporation equipment to supply steam, insufficient water supply capacity, and insufficient space, especially where cold water condensation is required for low-temperature evaporation, it can save investment and achieve better energy-saving effects.