Introduction to electroplating wastewater
The composition of wastewater produced in electroplating production is very complex. In addition to cyanide (CN-) and acid-base, heavy metals are potentially hazardous sewage types in the electroplating industry. These substances seriously harm the environment and human health.
The main sources of electroplating wastewater are:
The treatment of electroplating wastewater is generally valued at home and abroad, and a variety of treatment technologies have been developed to eliminate and reduce pollutant emissions through measures such as treating toxic to non-toxic, transforming harmful to harmless, recovering precious metals, and water recycling. With the rapid development of the electroplating industry and the increasing environmental protection requirements, electroplating wastewater treatment has begun to enter the stage of clean production technology, total control and circular economy integration. Resource recycling and closed-circuit recycling are the mainstream direction of development [1] .
The evaporative concentration method is used to treat electroplating heavy metal wastewater. The process is mature and simple, does not require chemical reagents, has no secondary pollution, can reuse water or valuable heavy metals, and has good environmental and economic benefits, but due to high energy consumption and high operating costs The problem of impurity interference with resource recovery remains to be studied, which limits the application. At present, it is generally used as an auxiliary processing method for other methods.